Helicopters are arguably the most useful, and lethal pieces of equipment on the Battlefield, but many people don't know the basics on helicopter etiquette, I'm here to try and change that.. Scout Helicopters: Get one group of friends to join Delta squad, take up sniper rifles, let them enter your scout helicopter, and fly them over to a rooftop, and drop them off to provide sniper cover for your team. Then hot foot it back to base, to pick up some more allies. Also, DO NOT, waste your vehicle, don't drop off guys, then fly the helicopter around aimlessly, or crash it. Head back to base and offer some more allies a ride. Remember, the more men you have on the ground, the better your chances of not being shot down. If there are no more people to pick up, fly recon, spot heavily entrenched positions, as well as spot armor to warn your teammates of things that could end them. Then, initiate strafing runs, fly over your guys, to inspire them, improve their moral, and see how awesome you are. Go in, guns blazing, making your teams life easier. Transport Helicopters: Despite what many believe, Transport helicopters can be a very important vehicle, with the ability to carry 4 people at once, it can drop off an entire squad quickly, and provide fire support thanks to the mini-guns on either side. Note that this vehicle has NO, I repeat NO weapons that the pilot can use, but there are the 2 mini-guns on the side, which you two gunners can use, after dropping off the troops, to provide covering fire for troops. Preferably make these 2 gunners your friends, to tell you when to turn to open fire. Also, don't fly straight towards an enemy, rather turn to the side to give your gunners a shot. Please. Attack Helicopters: These helicopters are the bad boys, the death bringers. These helicopters are used to provide close air support. First rule, GET A GUNNER. Do not take off without a gunner. He controls the gun under the nose, which allows you to be able to take out soft targets and provide suppressive fire. As with the others, fly close to your units, to inspire them, and help them feel less lonely. Also, if possible, try to get your gunner as your friend, as communication between pilot and gunner is essential. As for a video, I will see if Fraps wants to stop being pants-on-head retarded.If so, I will record and attempt to post a video of my top 3 Battlefield 2 mods on here. These mods are fun, and also offer a slightly more tactical element to Battlefield 2. Happy Gaming!