
Sunday, August 4, 2013

About the Blog

So, this is it, my entirely new blog... Let's begin, shall we?

So, in case anyone didn't get the idea from the title of my blog, this is a blog about gaming, tactically. Which means none of that Call of Duty style running-and-gunning nonsense. I mean gaming, using cover and teamwork, suppressing fire and air support. So, this is a blog that is more for the Battlefield fans, of which I myself am one. Started with Battlefield 1942,Battlefield Vietnam, Battlefield 2, 2142 and Battlefield 3. All of which incorporate tactics. As such, I reckon that i have some sort of gaming tactical knowledge. So, if you want to learn how to play Call of Duty tactically (It's Possible ) or just want to learn some new tactics for battlefield, this is the blog for you. Feel free to comment and ask questions!

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